Prana Vayus

Most likely, you have already heard the word Prana. But what does it mean? Prana is the life force, the energy that fuels every cell in your body.

Now that we have clarified the meaning of Prana, let’s understand what Vayu means. Vayu translates as wind or direction.

When we combine Prana and Vayu together, we get winds of energy. There are five kinds of Prana Vayus.

Udana Vayu

Udana Vayu is the upward flow of energy. An example of this in yoga is when you lift your head up. Any movement that goes upward is Udana Vayu. Udana Vayu is centered in the diaphragm and moves through the lungs, bronchi, trachea, and throat.

Apana Vayu

Apana Vayu is the opposite of Udana Vayu; it is the downward flow of energy. The Malasana pose is an example of Apana Vayu. Apana Vayu is located in the lower abdominal region.

Vyana Vayu

Vyana Vayu is the outward flow of energy. It is associated with blood circulation. The Half Moon pose is an example of Vyana Vayu, where all limbs are stretched in opposite directions.

Samana Vayu

Samana Vayu is the opposite of Vyana Vayu; it is the inward flow of energy. Any core-centric poses are examples of Samana Vayu. Samana Vayu is associated with digestion and absorption.

Prana Vayu

Prana Vayu circulates energy around the body. An example can be the cycle of breath. The Camel pose can be an example of Prana Vayu.

By understanding and working with these Prana Vayus, you can enhance your yoga practice and overall well-being.