
The topic of today’s post is about maps and structs. Lets start start with maps


Create map

Maps is a data structure in which data is specified in pairs, keys, and values. In golang it is created as follows. map[KEY_TYPE]VALUE_TYPE.

import "fmt"

func main() {
    studentsGrades := map[string]int{"John": 50, "Alex": 70}
$ go run main.go
map[Alex:70 John:50]

Another option is to create a map using the make keyword

import "fmt"

func main() {
    studentsGrades := make(map[string]int)

Add to map

A new element is added to the map as follows MAP_NAME[KEY] = VALUE

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    studentsGrades := map[string]int{}
    studentsGrades["Susan"] = 99
$ go run main.go

If the map is created using the make keyword, you can add elements to it in the same way.

Delete from a map

The element can be deleted using the delete method, delete(MAP_NAME, KEY)

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    studentsGrades := map[string]int{"John": 56, "Alex": 67}
    studentsGrades["Susan"] = 99
    delete(studentsGrades, "Alex")
$ go run main.go
map[Alex:67 John:56 Susan:99]
map[John:56 Susan:99]

Get element from the map

You can get the value of the key in this way MAP_NAME[KEY].

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    studentsGrades := map[string]int{"John": 56, "Alex": 67}
$ go run main.go

But if we try to specify a key that does not exist, we will not get an error but will get a null value

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    studentsGrades := map[string]int{"John": 56, "Alex": 67}
$ go run main.go

To check whether the key exists, you can use the following construction VARIABLE, ok := MAP_NAME[KEY]. The ok variable will be true/false depending on whether the key exists.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    studentsGrades := map[string]int{"John": 56, "Alex": 67}
    susanGrade, ok := studentsGrades["Susan"]
    fmt.Printf("Susan, %v %v\n", susanGrade, ok)

    johnGrade, ok := studentsGrades["John"]
    fmt.Printf("John, %v %v\n", johnGrade, ok)
$ go run main.go
Susan, 0 false
John, 56 true


A struct is a collection of fields that can be of different types.

Create struct

Struct is created like this type NAME struct {FIELDS}.

package main

import "fmt"

type Student struct {
    Name     string
    LastName string
    Grade    int
    Subjects []string

func main() {
    studentJohn := Student{
        Name:     "John",
        LastName: "Snow",
        Grade:    90,
        Subjects: []string{"Algebra", "Geometry "},

go run main.go
{John Snow 90 [Algebra Geometry ]}

You can also refer to a specific field of struct separately STRUCT_NAME.FILED_NAME

$ go run main.go


Go does not have an inheritance as in traditional OOP languages. But go uses composition. Let’s review how it can be used

package main

import "fmt"

type Animal struct {
    Name     string

type Bird struct {
    Speed int

func main() {
    kiwi := Bird{}
    kiwi.Name = "Kiwi"
    kiwi.Speed = 30

$ go run main.go

But unlike inheritance here Bird is not an Animal, but Bird has an Animal.

If you need to create an instance of the structure as in the previous example, when we initialize the fields at the time of creation, it will look like this

package main

import "fmt"

type Animal struct {
    Name     string

type Bird struct {
    Speed int

func main() {
    kiwi := Bird{
        Speed:    80,
        Animal: Animal{
            Name:     "Kiwi"


Anonymous struct

You can create anonymous structures without first creating a structure type with a field definition

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    kiwi := struct {
        name  string
        speed int
        name:  "Kiwi",
        speed: 80,
$ go run main.go

Such structures are convenient to use to organize data that does not long live in the program.

Copy struct

If you take a structure and assign it to another variable, a copy of the structure will be created

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    kiwi := struct {
        name  string
        speed int
        name:  "Kiwi",
        speed: 80,
    b := kiwi
    b.name = "Emu"
$ go run main.go
{Kiwi 80}
{Emu 80}

To pass the same structure, you need to add the symbol &

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    kiwi := struct {
        name  string
        speed int
        name:  "Kiwi",
        speed: 80,
    b := &kiwi
    b.name = "Emu"
$ go run main.go
{Emu 80}
&{Emu 80}
