
In this programming, we will look at the basic data types in golang.


The first type we will consider is bool. In this type, only two values are possible: true and false. You can create a bool variable in one of the following ways:

    var isActive bool
    var isEnabled = false
    isLoaded := true

In the second and third options, we immediately set the value that the variable will have. In the first, we do not specify anything, so a zero value will be used. For the bool type, it will be false. I will display the type and value of each variable

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var isActive bool
    var isEnabled bool = false
    isLoaded := true

    fmt.Printf("%v: %T\n", isActive, isActive)
    fmt.Printf("%v: %T\n", isEnabled, isEnabled)
    fmt.Printf("%v: %T\n", isLoaded, isLoaded)
$ go run main.go
false: bool
false: bool
true: bool


The next one is int. There are several int types in golang, and there is also unsigned int. Signed int can include numbers with a minus sign, unsigned only positive numbers. Accordingly, all int types in golang are uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, and int64.. They differ in what range of numbers we can use. For example, for int8 this range will be -128 to 127 and for uint, it will be 0 to 255 and with each subsequent type, this range will increase. variables are created in the same way as the bool type

    var a int64
    var b int
    var l uint = 20
    var c = 35
    d := 86

Now I will output each value and type

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var a int64
    var b int
    var l uint = 20
    var c = 35
    d := 86

    fmt.Printf("%v: %T\n", a, a)
    fmt.Printf("%v: %T\n", b, b)
    fmt.Printf("%v: %T\n", l, l)
    fmt.Printf("%v: %T\n", c, c)
    fmt.Printf("%v: %T\n", d, d)
go run main.go
0: int64
0: int
20: uint
35: int
86: int

For int, the null value will be 0.

Mathematical operations can be performed on the int type. But it must be the same int type. If we have int64 and int32 we will not be able to perform mathematical operations. In this case, you will first need to bring them to the same type.

The following mathematical operations are available: addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*), division(/), remainder(%). Most operations are self-explanatory. Only division and remainder require additional attention. Since there are no decimal places in int. After dividing 10 by 3, we will get the whole number 3. and the remainder remains 1. To get the remainder exactly, the % operation is used

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var a int = 10
    var b int = 3

    fmt.Println(a + b)
    fmt.Println(a - b)
    fmt.Println(a * b)
    fmt.Println(a / b)
    fmt.Println(a % b)
$ go run main.go


Comma numbers are created similarly to ints and have the same math operations except for calculating the remainder(%).

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var a float32 = 10
    var b float32 = 3
    c := 10.4
    var d = 10.2
    fmt.Printf("%f: %T\n", a, a)
    fmt.Printf("%f: %T\n", b, b)
    fmt.Printf("%f: %T\n", c, c)
    fmt.Printf("%f: %T\n", d, d)
$ go run main.go
10.000000: float32
3.000000: float32
10.400000: float64
10.200000: float64

And mathematical operations

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var a float32 = 10.2
    var b float32 = 3.4

    fmt.Println(a + b)
    fmt.Println(a - b)
    fmt.Println(a * b)
    fmt.Println(a / b)
$ go run main.go


The last type for today is a string.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var a string = "Hello World"
    var c = "Hello"
    b := "World"

    fmt.Printf("%s: %T\n", a, a)
    fmt.Printf("%s: %T\n", b, b)
    fmt.Printf("%s: %T\n", c, c)
$ go run main.go
Hello World: string
World: string
Hello: string

There is one mathematical operation for string, this is +. It allows you to add two string variables.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var c = "Hello "
    b := "World!"

    fmt.Printf(c + b)
$ go run main.go
Hello World!

You can also access the string type using indexes. You can imagine that the variable of the type string is a list, in golang, the numbering in the list starts from zero. In this way, you can get only part of the string from it. Example

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var c = "Hello "

    fmt.Printf("%v", string(c[2]))
$ go run main.go

This way I get the third character from the variable named c. But besides that, you still need to convert the received value to the string type. Otherwise, I would get the number 108, which in UTF stands for l.

Unlike lists, I cannot replace a character in a string. Because the string is an immutable data type. But I can convert a string to a list of bytes

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var c = "Hello "
    b := []byte(c)

$ go run main.go
[72 101 108 108 111 32]

And then I can replace any value in the string

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var c = "Hello "
    b := []byte(c)
    b[0] = byte(122)
$ go run main.go

But initial string c will stay the same. Only array b will be changed
