
In this problem, a tree is input and you need to find the sum of all the branches in the tree. The algorithm for solving this problem is simple. Let’s take a tree

   / \
  4  10
 / \   \
2   5   23

We start from the root, the sum here is 6. Go further down the tree in the left branch it will be 6 + 4 = 10 and in the right 10 + 6 = 16.

         6 + 0
        / \
   6 + 4  10 + 16
      / \   \
     2   5   23

We move further on a tree in the left part it turns out 10 + 2 = 12 and 10 + 5 = 115 and in the right 16 + 23 = 39

            6 + 0
           /    \
      6 + 4      10 + 6
         / \      \
   10 + 2   5 + 10 23 + 16

We go further down the tree but there is no more data and therefore the sum we get 12, 15 and 39

package main

import (

type Tree struct {
	root *Node

type Node struct {
	key   int
	left  *Node
	right *Node

func main() {
	tree := Tree{
			key: 5,
			left: &Node{
				key: 4,
			right: &Node{
				key: 10,

func branchSum(tree Tree) {
	sum := []int{}
	branchSumHelper(tree.root, 0, &sum)

func branchSumHelper(node *Node, runningSum int, sum *[]int) *[]int {
	if node == nil {
		return sum
	newRunningSum := runningSum + node.key
	if node.left == nil && node.right == nil {
		*sum = append(*sum, newRunningSum)
		return sum
	branchSumHelper(node.left, newRunningSum, sum)
	branchSumHelper(node.right, newRunningSum, sum)

	return sum